The live ShibaNFT (SHIBANFT) price today is 0.000000000223 USD (Updated at 05:41:00 2024/12/24). ShibaNFT (SHIBANFT) Ranked #6815 with a live market capitalization of $ USD.
In the last 24 hours, ShibaNFT (SHIBANFT) price was increased by 0.000000000223 (3.26%) with trading volume of 413.72 USD.
Over the past 7 days, ShibaNFT (SHIBANFT)'s price has decreased by -41.13%. Further more, for the past 30 days ShibaNFT (SHIBANFT) price has increased by 196.61%.
Convert 1 ShibaNFT (SHIBANFT) to SAR? How much ShibaNFT can 1 USD buy? How many USD is 1 SHIBANFT? 1 SHIBANFT = 0 SAR. You can buy/sell ShibaNFT (SHIBANFT) here.
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